Archive for Category: News

Isoclip in Vimercate (MB)

We are located in Vimercate (MB) and the installation of our ISOCLIP system on three buildings is taking place here. Insulation and aesthetics in a single panel? With Isoclip you can! ISOCLIP is the ideal solution for the thermal and acoustic...

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Coat tile

The first porcelain stoneware tile to be used for the thermal insulation of the external facades of buildings has been patented by the Pfm company of Palagano, in the province of Modena: combining the qualities of the ceramic material...

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Estetica ed isolamento su misura per te. Rivestimenti a cappotto in gres porcellanato.
Scopri il sistema
ISOCLIP facile e veloce. Cos'è ISOCLIP ?
La soluzione ideale per l'isolamento termico in gres porcellanato.

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